The current job openings across the globe at AKADEUS.
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Fruitful Career Festival at the Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia 2018 which was organised within SIMPLE project co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the EU was held on 6th December 2018. The...
Second FNR Career Day 2018 organised within project SIMPLE co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the EU was held at Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand on 15th...
On October 20, 2018, the Faculty of Fisheries (Kasetsart University) career committee organized the special talk at Kampangsean campus titled "Tilapia in Thailand".
Second fruitful...
ALFABET project oriented to mobility exchange students and academic staff was successfully finished. Thanks to experience from ALFABET project SIMPLE project was created! Find more details at...
The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague together with the Royal University of Agriculture are organising the Scientific Practical Conference hosted at the Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom...
Guest lecture "Young entrepreneurial spirit" by Mr.Taryart Datsathean and Mr. Phisan Sangjan, documentary producer and adventurer will be held at Kasetsart University in Thailand on 2nd November...
SIMPLE project Training in the theme of "Qualified preparation for job seeking" was held at University of Battambang on 25th October 2018. The training was provided by Mrs. Sip...
Representatives of SIMPLE project Jana Mandíková from Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and Margarita Calderon-Peter from University of Natural Resources and Life...
Find main project SIMPLE activities at project Newsletter and join us for further cooperation!!!