Project SIMPLE - Erasamus+ EU programme for education

Date Palm platform, 26 Nov 2021

Invitation: Friday 26 Nov 2021, 14:00-15:30 CET | Establishing and Operationalizing a Research, Technology and Innovation Platform for the Date Palm Integrated Production System in NENA Region ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

The Tropical Agriculture Platform Secretariat, hosted by FAO, is glad to invite you to attend the following side event:


FRIDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2021 | 14:00-15:30 CET

Establishing and Operationalizing a Research, Technology and Innovation Platform for the Date Palm Integrated Production System in NENA Region (DRTIP_NENA)


Side event organized by the Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA)

Registration link:



Establishing and structuring an innovation platform for the date palm crop in the NENA region is a collaborative work between the FAO and AARINENA. Therefore, AARINENA

intends to participate in the 8th TAP Partners Assembly Side Event to show the key-role of AARINENA with other partners in promoting the date palm crop in the NENA region, to highlight the concept and approach of innovation platforms in the agricultural innovation systems, and to demonstrate and share with others some of the work on developing and structuring the specific innovation platform for the date palm crop in the NENA region.

The expected outcomes are knowledge and information dissemination and enhancing the capacity of AARINENA with better integration among stakeholders. 


14:00-14:10 CET

Welcoming & Opening Remarks | Dr. Selvaraju Ramasamy, Head of FAO-Research and Extension Unit, Rome

14:10-14:25 CET

AARINENA’s role in research and innovation | Dr. Rida Shibli, Executive Secretary, AARINENA, Jordan

14:25-14:40 CET

Current challenges and future prospects of date palm in the NENA region | Dr. Muna Mashal, Date Palm Expert, Jordan

14:40-14:55 CET

Conceptual framework and the approach of the platform for agricultural innovation systems (AIS) | Dr. Nael Thaher, Innovation and IP Expert, Jordan

14:50-15:20 CET

Physical and Governance Structure Model of the Research, Technology & Innovation Date Palm Platform | Eng. Wafaa Musalam & Dr. Mohammad Malkawi, Software & IT Experts, Jordan

15:20-15:30 CET

Closing Remarks | Dr. Rida Shibli, Executive Secretary, AARINENA, Jordan

