Project SIMPLE - Erasamus+ EU programme for education

Cooperation with PISAI project

This Autumn 2019, the delegates of the PISAI project (Participatory and Integrative Support for Agricultural Initiative) from Thai partner universities visited the Czech University of Life Science Prague (CULS) as arranged by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA). As a European partner university, FTA prepared this program for the students of the joint double-degree Master's program in sustainable agriculture of the PISAI project, to get familiar with the education in the Czech Republic and the European Union and get ready for Module 2 which will be led by a European partner university, Montpellier SupAgro. During the visit SIMPLE project results were shared and discussed.

The program lasted for nine days, from September 23th to October 2nd. The delegates included four students and two academic staff from three Thai universities (Chiang Mai university, Prince of Songkla University, and Khon Kaen University). The program was prepared by Dr. Petra Chaloupková (Vice-dean for International Relations) and Dr. Olga Leuner (Vice-Dean for Science, Research and Doctoral Study) of the FTA and practical management of activities was ensured by two PhD students of the FTA, namely Jas Staš and Veit Ny.

The aim of the visit was to motivate the Thai students to explore, learn and experience other education system, student performance, as well as the different culture in general. Therefore, a wide range of activities was included in the program such as scientific presentations, lectures, trip to the countryside, and excursions to the university cattle and eland farms. Students presented their master thesis to the Czech committee (Dr. Petra Chaloupková and Dr. Olga Leuner) to show their progress in their research and get some useful feedbacks to improve their report. They also participated the lectures and seminar taught at the FTA, especially at the study programme International Development and Agricultural Economics. The Thai academic staff also gave presentations about their work to share their research outputs to the Czech colleagues.

Aside from educational activities, the delegates visited the whole campus of the university (research facilities, faculties, laboratories, botanical garden etc.). They also toured the beautiful Prague city to many historical, natural and important sites of the Czech Republic. Furthermore, they had the chance to travel to a “spa city”, Karlovy Vary, to see the different medieval architects, beautiful view of the autumn season, and try famous food and drinks in this place.

This visit was a great experience appreciated by the Thai delegation and will be motivating for their academic life as well as personal development.
