Project SIMPLE - Erasamus+ EU programme for education

Call for contribution, 1st Agrinatura conference (15th April, 2022)

Call for contribution to the 1st Agrinatura conference to be held in Cork, Ireland, 18 May 2022


We would like to invite you to participate in the 1st Agrinatura Conference during this year‘s General Assembly at the University College Cork, Ireland.


This conference will be a half-day event as a part of the General Assembly meeting, with the aim to engage and showcase the work of member institutions. This conference is free of charge and the only requirement is Membership of Agrinatura.


On behalf of the Agrinatura Research Working Group, we would like to invite you to submit your research topic, abstract, project activity or the result of your research based on the following topics below to the respective chair of the session.


The conference will take place in two sections and each section in two breakout rooms. Therefore, you can even participate in two sections!


Please submit your contribution till April 15, 2022.



Climate change research for agricultural development (chair: Fréderic Francis)

Food system transformation through research intervention (chair: Susanna Rokka)

Agroecology and biodiversity aspects in the EU Green Deal (chair: Miguel de Porras)

Youths and knowledge sharing for rural development (chair: Ludovic Andres)


Submission should include your contact information, title, and a max 300 words abstract or a description of the activity. Send it by email to the chair of the topic (cc. 


More info about Agrinatura General Assembly here and conference here.


Agrinatura is the European Alliance for agricultural knowledge for development (websites).



